The Art of Mental Strength
Your mind is the only thing you have at the end of the day.
Your mind is the strongest weapon in the world.
Your mind determines how your life develops.
So why do you neglect it?
Why do you try to shut it off?
The Concept
Mental strength is often seen as an ability that only athletes and successful people have.
Although these people indeed have a strong mind, it does not exclude the fact that everyone can attain one.
Why? – Because it is not a static concept. You can either build your mind and form it into an outstandingly mesmerizing piece of art or let it diminish and float off into emptiness, controlling you unwillingly.
This is not about being talented, smart or strong but about perseverance, patience, love and the passion to realize your dream. Whether your dream is finding fulfillment in life, locating the place you call home, getting the job you always wanted or learning to love yourself. No matter what your goal is, mental strength is the controllable component that is going to make the difference.
The Neglect
You see visible results of going to work because you get paid.
You see visible results of going to the gym because your physique changes.
You see no visible results in building your mind, so you neglect it.
Let me ask you one question:
Do you want to look back at your life and say “I wish I would have done more.” ?.
This question is not aimed at your 80-year-old self but at your present self. Do you truly want to say this?
Stay here for a while and truly think about it. As simple as this question is, it can leave a significant impact on your perception if you give it space to sink in.
The Discovery
What does mental strength mean to you?
How does it influence your life and the people around you?
How does it change your perception of life?
What do you want your past, present and future to look and feel like?
Mental strength does not signify feeling no doubt or negative emotions, it does not mean that you never complain and have a carefree life. You are human and the bad as well as the good play a significant role in who you are, how you treat others and the way you approach life. The ability to feel is a wonderful gift as well as a curse if it turns into extremes.
Mental strength is the ability to balance these extremes.
Developing it is a form of art, as it takes patience and time, though the outcome will be one of your most precious characteristics.
It is the skill to turn problems into solutions, to welcome new approaches without fearing failure and to act on what can be controlled instead of dwelling on what lies beyond your influence.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Mental strength looks different for every individual, which makes it so interesting.
Hence it is even more important to define for yourself:
“What does mental strength mean to me?”
Mental strength is not a static concept but it is tied to defined actions. This varies from person to person as everyone’s definition is different. However, these could be some activities paving the way to mental strength:
- Learning the Art of Meditation
- Journaling for five minutes every day
- Doing a creative activity every week
- Going consistently to the gym
- Calling your loved ones regularly
- Abstaining yourself from looking at your phone in the morning
- Reading a new book every month
- Meeting your friends habitually
The Ability
Building mental strength is not only for the disciplined ones, the ones who already are learning the art of perseverance and dedication.
It is for everyone deciding to pursue this path.
It is for everyone wanting to fulfill their desire of training a mental muscle.
Every person starts somewhere and the abilities mentioned above will align with your inner self throughout the process. You not having the “right” prerequisites is an excuse from and to yourself.
Do you respect and love yourself enough to make this decision?
What is it that you want from life?
There is nothing you lack, an abundance of knowledge and abilities yet to be discovered and acquired waits for. Look for concepts that make you stop, reflect, analyze, rethink, question and create. Give yourself a little push, instead of only accepting the obvious.
“Choose to create when it would be easier to consume.”
“Choose to ask the extra question when it would be easier to accept.”
Mental strength can be compared to physical strength. Consider it as a muscle, training it is followed by growth, the outcome will reflect the work you put in. Train your mind to work in resonance with a tailored routine that is interchangeable with external influences. Fail as many times as you need on your way to find a well-fitting routine. Change it as many times as you need to adjust it to your life circumstances. Only make sure to have one to be able to rely on.
A suited and approachable routine will include tasks you desire to know more about or simply implement into your daily life. Prioritize all kinds of small parts of your routine to build on what is bigger. The most mesmerizing painting is only outstanding because of its countless and tiny yet crucial components.
The Decision
Your eyes wander from clouds to buildings to people. They see the same setting every day. However, as time went by, you started smiling more, walking more upright, your surroundings stopped being noisy and turned into many different individual stories. Clouds started to captivate you and the warm laugh of a stranger brings peace to your heart.
Obstacles turned into challenges. Present circumstances have transformed into fluid pathways that you walk along, adapting to its currents and its current adapting to you. Your future evolved into an open canvas that seems to have endless space.
Life is composed of endless opportunities if you put in the effort to open up new doors.
The effort you decide to put into building your mental strength will flow into every part of your life and fill it. It is up to you with what you fill your life.