A Transcendence
Amid endless suffering, lies peace, yet mind and heart touch the freezing cold of a strong wind, carrying away what is known as hope. A faint and weak arm tries to grab onto its last ray of warmth, of light, of everything that made a body stand up in the morning, ignoring the eternal cold of mortal humans.
Lying in an unknown place.
The air strangles an empty expression that people named “meaning of life”. It expresses nothing. Maybe its own emptiness. Heart and mind fading away, tears flowing as silently as our screams for peace. Was this the meaning everyone talked about?
meaningless pondering
The last ray of hope was carried away by the winds of this world.
Hearts contract, crumble apart. Staring at the leftovers.
meaningless pondering
What happens if I start to walk through these leftovers, will I ever reach an end?
There is more to this than a heart or mind. The light of an immortal soul.
Slow steps cross endless landscapes filled with remnants of shattered hearts.
Slower, brighter, warmer. There was never a lack of light, never a lack of warmth. Never a lack of peace.
Souls transcending meanings and definitions. Worlds become galaxies. Galaxies turn into the ungraspable.
You walked through darkness and yet decided to not let it consume you.
You created the light within you.
You became the reason people believe in kind and good souls.
Thank you for not giving up as you walk through the landfills covered in leftovers from this world’s horrors.